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Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Defining and Refining"

The prospect of a major challenge looms large on the horizon. It’s my culminating research project to conclude my graduate studies, sometime around April of 2012. As I read comments from others in my class, about their progress in defining and refining research topics, I am reminded of a quote in one of our textbooks, ( “Doing Qualitative Research,” by David Silverman, quoting Pertti Alasuutari, p.3 ). He said: "Writing is first and foremost analyzing, revising and polishing the text. The idea that one can produce ready-made text is just about as senseless as the cyclist who has never had to restore his or her balance." I would add to that the encouragement of training wheels. Remember them? My training wheels are the adventure of defining and refining, on-the-go, without the worry of having to make cast-in-concrete decisions about the final outcome of my project. As I progress I realize I may disappear into my own project-view, because everyone’s project will be very personal and very different, including mine, but mutual encouragement remains a great asset nevertheless. So to all who find themselves defining and refining whatever your challenges may be, be encouraged.

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