There are 2 weeks left in my current core course that explores critical thinking, and 4 weeks left in the two electives I undertook at the same time. It’s been a grueling pace since September 6, but worth every moment. No details, but suffice it to say volumes of reading, endless online research, keeping my thoughts from wandering or tuning out, writing, and more writing. My secret? Lists. The good ol’ pieces of paper with lists and list of list. I regularly update the lists, rewrite them and check them frequently. Love making checkmarks when a task is done. Prioritize from most important at the top of the list and things that can be “carried forward” at the bottom. Make a short “to-do-today” list and crumple it up when done. Great therapy. By Christmas I will be just over half-way through my graduate program. Then there’s a big break till the next courses. Ah, the studio is calling me! Be encouraged those of you who follow this blog. If I can do it so can you.
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