This is my press photo in the Wallaceburg News. It's 1963, the year I won the "Bending Art Award Trophy" for being the best artist in the Wallaceburg District Secondary School, Walaceburg, Ontario. I was 18. (L2R, Principal Allan, Me, a representative of the Bending family). It gave me confidence to enroll in art college. Not that being the best is everything, but being motivated to excell sure helps. Along the way to 2011, there have been many awards, primarily in the form of encouragement from special people I've met on my journey as an artist, and who did not laugh when I said I was going back to school at age 65. Yes, there have been and continue to be challenges, but that's life. So, be encouraged wherever you find yourself today. Be motivated and excell in what you do. Confidence will be its reward.
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