It's the home stretch until January 2012. I love maps and this summer I will be following a map I created to bring me to the finish line of my research project, aka thesis. On one of the pages in one of my research journals, is a spread called "interactional theory." It's a rough map, but it gives me a sense of direction. My background in creative project management taught me to divide a major project into logical portions, and not just follow the index. So, for the summer I will be gathering all sorts of research as well as write substantial portions of my own observations and analyses, including a harvest of all I have studied in the past year-and-a-half. Now, in case you think, "what kind of a summer is that?" Let me assure you I will have an enjoyable summer on our island paradise, among the trees, in my studio, by the ocean, with family and friends. It's just that I love this time of my life. Interaction not only as theory, but as a daily practice. Today I will make pancakes for all the children at the HOPE Centre. To all of you, have a blessed summer :)
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