Back to the island, safe and sound. That's the last of the ferries that took me to my island paradise. My friend and I decided to drive non-stop from Edmonton. Left the city Saturday 10:45 am. It was a spectacular day, stunning sunset as we drove west. Then from Kamlpoops we headed to Cache Creek and then Hwy.99 "over the top" through Marble Canyon, Lillouet ( it was pitch dark by now ) to Pemberton, Whistler, and Horseshoe Bay. Yes, it snowed west of Lillouet at high altitudes. Brrrr. Arrived at the ferry terminal my 3:00 am, with enough time to snooze in the van for a few hours. First ferry was at 6:20. Talk about being zonked out! Don't think I'll do much thinking for a couple of days. But the sound of two papers that need to be finished by the end of this week, rings loud in my ears. The second Spring Institute was a huge success. Now it's the journey to the finish line. One more core course in the Fall, and between now and next April my research project (thesis). Ah, life at 66. Never a dull moment.